Frequently Asked Questions

Questions and answers about personal health, wellbeing, functional medicine, mind-body medicine.

Frequently Asked Questions

Tell me why I might consider paying for a functional medicine health coach?

  1. Personalized care: Functional medicine health coaches take a personalised approach to healthcare, which means they consider the unique needs and circumstances of each individual client. This can be particularly helpful if you have a complex or chronic health condition that requires a tailored approach to treatment.
  2. Comprehensive approach: Functional medicine health coaches take a holistic approach to healthcare, considering the impact of nutrition, movement, stress, sleep, and other lifestyle factors on health. This can be especially beneficial if you are looking to make comprehensive changes to your health and wellbeing.
  3. Long-term results: By addressing the underlying root causes of disease, functional medicine health coaches aim to address health problems at their source, rather than simply treating symptoms. This can lead to long-term improvements in health and wellness.
  4. Supportive care: Functional medicine health coaches support clients in making changes to their health. This can be particularly helpful if you need support in making lifestyle changes or navigating the healthcare system.

It is important to note that functional medicine health coaches are not licenced healthcare providers and cannot diagnose or treat medical conditions. If you are experiencing symptoms that are causing you concern, it is important to seek the advice of a licenced healthcare provider such as a physician or nurse practitioner.

Why do I need to have support making lifestyle changes?

  1. Accountability: Having someone to check in with and report progress to can provide accountability and motivation to stick to a new lifestyle plan.
  2. Expertise: Health coaches and functional medicine practitioners are trained in the science of behaviour change and can provide guidance and recommendations based on your specific needs and goals.
  3. Emotional support: Making lifestyle changes can be emotionally challenging, and having someone to talk to and provide support can be helpful in navigating these challenges.
  4. Practical support: Health coaches and functional medicine practitioners can provide practical support and resources to help you implement changes to your lifestyle. This can include helping you to create a plan for making changes, providing information about healthy habits, and helping you to identify and overcome any barriers to making changes.

I am not feeling well, could a functional medicine health coach help me?

A functional medicine health coach may be able to help you if you are not feeling well by providing guidance and support in making lifestyle changes that may improve your health. Some specific ways a functional medicine health coach might be able to help you include:

  1. Assessing your current health status: A functional medicine health coach can work with you to assess your current health status and identify any areas that may be contributing to your symptoms or poor health.
  2. Providing guidance on lifestyle changes: Based on the results of your assessment, a functional medicine health coach can provide guidance on lifestyle changes that may help to improve your health. This may include recommendations for changes to your diet, exercise routine, stress management techniques, or sleep habits.
  3. Supporting you in making changes: A functional medicine health coach can provide support and guidance as you work to implement lifestyle changes to improve your health. This may include helping you to set achievable goals, providing accountability and motivation, and helping you to overcome any barriers to change.
  4. Monitoring your progress: A functional medicine health coach can work with you to track your progress and adjust your plan as needed to ensure that you are making progress towards your health goals.

It is important to note that functional medicine health coaches are not licenced healthcare providers and cannot diagnose or treat medical conditions. If you are experiencing symptoms that are causing you concern, it is important to seek the advice of a licenced healthcare provider such as a physician or nurse practitioner.

My doctor says nothing is wrong with me, but I still feel unwell. Could a functional medicine health coach help me?

Working with a functional medicine health coach in addition to your healthcare provider may provide additional support and guidance in addressing your health concerns.

If you feel unwell despite being told by your doctor that nothing is wrong, it may be worth considering seeking the help of a functional medicine health coach. Functional medicine health coaches take a systems-based approach to healthcare that considers the impact of lifestyle and environmental factors on health, and may be able to identify underlying imbalances or root causes of your symptoms that have not been identified by your doctor.

A functional medicine health coach can work with you to assess your current health status, identify any potential underlying imbalances or root causes of your symptoms, and provide guidance on lifestyle changes that may help to improve your health. They can also provide support and guidance as you work to implement these changes and track your progress over time.

What does a functional medicine health coach do?

A functional medicine health coach is a professional who works with individuals to support them in making lifestyle changes that may improve their health. They may work with individuals who have specific health concerns or who are seeking to optimise their overall health and wellbeing.

Some specific tasks that a functional medicine health coach might perform include:

  1. Assessing an individual's current health status: This may involve reviewing medical history, conducting a physical assessment, and evaluating the impact of lifestyle and environmental factors on health.
  2. Providing guidance on lifestyle changes: Based on the results of the assessment, a functional medicine health coach may provide guidance on lifestyle changes that may help to improve an individual's health. This may include recommendations for changes to diet, exercise, stress management, or sleep habits.
  3. Supporting individuals in making changes: A functional medicine health coach can provide support and guidance as an individual works to implement lifestyle changes to improve their health. This may include helping to set achievable goals, providing accountability and motivation, and helping to overcome any barriers to change.
  4. Monitoring progress: A functional medicine health coach can work with an individual to track their progress and adjust their plan as needed to ensure that they are making progress towards their health goals.
  5. Providing education and resources: A functional medicine health coach may provide education and resources to help individuals better understand their health and make informed decisions about their care.

What lifestyle change is the most important to consider?

There is no one "most important" lifestyle change that applies to everyone, as the specific lifestyle changes that are most important will depend on an individual's specific health concerns and goals. However, some lifestyle factors that are generally important to consider include:

  1. Nutrition: Eating a healthy, well-balanced diet that is rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins can provide the nutrients your body needs to function optimally.
  2. Exercise: Regular physical activity can help to improve cardiovascular health, strengthen bones and muscles, and improve mental health.
  3. Sleep: Getting sufficient, high-quality sleep is essential for overall health and wellbeing.
  4. Stress management: Chronic stress can have negative impacts on both physical and mental health. Finding healthy ways to manage stress, such as through relaxation techniques, exercise, or therapy, can be beneficial.
  5. Environmental factors: The environment in which you live and work can also impact your health. This may include factors such as air quality, exposure to toxins, and access to nature.

It is important to consider all of these factors, as well as any other specific concerns or goals you may have, when determining the most important lifestyle changes to make. It may be helpful to work with a functional medicine health coach or other healthcare provider to determine the specific changes that are most important for you to consider.

I am eating healthy, but my functional medicine health coach asks me what that means to me?

Eating a healthy diet is an important aspect of overall health and wellbeing. However, the specific components of a healthy diet can vary depending on an individual's specific needs and goals. Some people may define eating healthy as following a specific diet plan, such as a vegetarian or paleo diet, while others may define it more broadly as consuming a balanced mix of nutrients from a variety of sources.

It is important to consider your own personal definition of eating healthy when working with a functional medicine health coach or other healthcare provider. They may ask you to clarify your definition of eating healthy in order to better understand your current dietary habits and identify any areas where changes may be beneficial.

For example, if you are eating a predominantly plant-based diet, your definition of eating healthy may be different from someone who is following a high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet. It is also important to consider whether your current diet is providing you with all of the nutrients you need to support optimal health and whether there are any potential imbalances or deficiencies that may need to be addressed.

By working with your functional medicine health coach to clarify your definition of eating healthy and to assess your current dietary habits, you can identify any areas for improvement and develop a plan for making changes that align with your personal goals and needs.

Start your journey to wellness

Take control of your health. Schedule a complimentary call with Life by Love to see if we can help. We offer personalised support to help you transform your health and feel your best. Take the first step towards a healthy future now.

I am feeling stressed out and overwhelmed by life, can you as a functional medicine health coach help me?

If you are feeling stressed out and overwhelmed by life, a functional medicine health coach may be able to provide support and guidance in addressing the root causes of your stress and finding ways to manage it more effectively. Some specific ways a functional medicine health coach might be able to help include:

  1. Assessing the sources of your stress: A functional medicine health coach can work with you to identify the sources of your stress and evaluate their impact on your overall health and wellbeing.
  2. Providing guidance on stress management techniques: Based on the results of your assessment, a functional medicine health coach can provide guidance on stress management techniques that may be helpful for you. This may include relaxation techniques, such as meditation or deep breathing, or strategies for time management and prioritisation.
  3. Supporting you in making changes: A functional medicine health coach can provide support and guidance as you work to implement stress management techniques and make other lifestyle changes to reduce stress.
  4. Monitoring your progress: A functional medicine health coach can work with you to track your progress and adjust your plan as needed to ensure that you are making progress towards your stress management goals.

I want to work on improving my sleep habits, how would a functional medicine health coach approach this?

Improving sleep habits is an important aspect of overall health and wellbeing, and a functional medicine health coach can provide support and guidance in this area. Here are some steps that a functional medicine health coach might take to help you improve your sleep habits:

  1. Assessing your current sleep habits: A functional medicine health coach may ask you about your current sleep habits, such as how many hours of sleep you typically get each night, the quality of your sleep, and any factors that may be impacting your sleep (e.g., stress, caffeine intake, electronics usage before bed).
  2. Identifying any underlying imbalances or root causes: A functional medicine health coach may assess your overall health and consider any underlying imbalances or root causes that may be contributing to poor sleep quality. This may include evaluating factors such as nutrition, stress, exercise, or environmental factors.
  3. Providing guidance on sleep hygiene: A functional medicine health coach can provide guidance on sleep hygiene practises that may help to improve the quality of your sleep. This may include recommendations for creating a conducive sleep environment, setting a consistent sleep schedule, limiting caffeine and alcohol intake, and avoiding electronics before bed.
  4. Supporting you in implementing changes: A functional medicine health coach can provide support and guidance as you work to implement changes to your sleep habits and make other lifestyle changes that may improve the quality of your sleep.
  5. Monitoring your progress: A functional medicine health coach can work with you to track your progress and adjust your plan as needed to ensure that you are making progress towards your goals.

I am having physical pain, but I really want to exercise. What would a functional medicine health coach recommend I do?

Exercise can be an important aspect of overall health and wellbeing, but it is important to consider your current physical limitations and any underlying health concerns when determining your exercise routine. If you are experiencing physical pain, it is important to speak with a licenced healthcare provider to determine the cause of the pain and any appropriate treatment options.

If your healthcare provider has cleared you to exercise and you are interested in working with a functional medicine health coach to develop an exercise plan that is appropriate for your needs, here are some steps that a functional medicine health coach might take:

  1. Assessing your current physical abilities: A functional medicine health coach may ask you about your current physical abilities, including any limitations or physical pain you are experiencing. They may also ask about your overall health and any underlying health concerns that may impact your ability to exercise.
  2. Developing a personalised exercise plan: Based on your assessment, a functional medicine health coach can work with you to develop a personalised exercise plan that is appropriate for your current physical abilities and any underlying health concerns. This may include recommendations for low-impact exercises, such as walking or swimming, or exercises that focus on flexibility and mobility.
  3. Providing guidance on form and technique: A functional medicine health coach can provide guidance on proper form and technique for the exercises included in your plan, which can help to reduce the risk of injury and improve the effectiveness of your workouts.
  4. Monitoring your progress: A functional medicine health coach can work with you to track your progress and adjust your plan as needed to ensure that you are making progress towards your goals.

It is important to remember that functional medicine health coaches are not licenced healthcare providers and cannot diagnose or treat medical conditions. If you are experiencing physical pain or have underlying health concerns, it is important to speak with a licenced healthcare provider before starting any exercise programme.

I don´t have time, money or energy to seek help from a functional medicine health coach. Is there a quick fix? A pill or something?

While there may be times when medication or other forms of treatment are necessary to address certain health concerns, it is important to remember that the root causes of many health issues are often related to lifestyle factors such as diet, exercise, stress, and sleep. Addressing these underlying root causes can often be more effective in the long term than relying on quick fixes or medications alone.

That being said, it is understandable that you may feel overwhelmed by time, financial, or energy constraints, and seeking help from a functional medicine health coach or other healthcare professional may not be possible at this time. If you are unable to seek help from a functional medicine health coach, there are still some steps you can take to improve your health and wellbeing:

  1. Make time for self-care: Even if you have a busy schedule, it is important to prioritise self-care and make time for activities that help you to relax and recharge. This may include activities such as exercise, meditation, or spending time in nature.
  2. Eat a healthy diet: A healthy diet can support overall health and wellbeing and may help to improve symptoms related to certain health conditions. Focus on consuming a variety of whole, unprocessed foods, including plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
  3. Get enough sleep: Adequate sleep is essential for optimal health and wellbeing. Try to get at least 7-9 hours of sleep each night, and create a sleep-friendly environment by keeping your bedroom cool, dark, and quiet.
  4. Manage stress: Chronic stress can have negative impacts on both physical and mental health. Find ways to manage stress, such as through exercise, meditation, or therapy.
  5. Stay active: Regular physical activity can have a range of health benefits, including improving mood and sleep, reducing stress, and supporting overall health and wellbeing. Find activities that you enjoy and that are appropriate for your current physical abilities.

It is important to remember that there is no one-size-fits-all solution for improving health and wellbeing, and what works for one person may not be effective for another. If you are experiencing health concerns that are causing you concern, it is important to speak your health care provider.

What training does a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach have?

The Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach (FMCA) programmemememe is a professional training program that aims to provide health coaches with the skills and knowledge needed to work with clients in the context of functional medicine. The program is designed to teach health coaches how to work with clients to address the underlying root causes of health concerns, rather than just addressing symptoms.

A FMCA graduate will have completed training in a range of areas related to functional medicine, including:

  • The principles and practises of functional medicine
  • The importance of the therapeutic partnership between health coach and client
  • The role of nutrition, movement, stress, sleep, and environment in health and disease
  • The use of functional medicine tools such as the timeline and matrix to assess clients
  • The role of health coaches in the functional medicine collaborative care team
  • Techniques for supporting clients in making lifestyle changes
  • Strategies for helping clients overcome challenges and barriers to change

FMCA graduates will also have completed a supervised coaching practicum, in which they have the opportunity to apply the skills and knowledge they have learned in a real-world setting. This practicum allows FMCA graduates to gain practical experience working with clients and helps to prepare them to work effectively in a coaching capacity.

How are IFM and FMCA related?

The Institute for Functional Medicine (IFM) and the Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach (FMCA) programmeme are both related to the field of functional medicine, which is a systems-based approach to healthcare that aims to address the underlying root causes of health concerns rather than just treating symptoms.

IFM is a nonprofit organisation that is dedicated to advancing the principles and practises of functional medicine. IFM provides education and training for healthcare professionals, including physicians, nurses, and other healthcare providers, on the principles and practises of functional medicine.

The FMCA programmememe is a professional training program designed specifically for health coaches who are interested in working with clients in the context of functional medicine. The program is developed and administered by IFM, and FMCA graduates are required to complete a supervised coaching practicum as part of their training.

In summary, IFM is an organisation that provides education and training on functional medicine, while the FMCA programmeme is a specific professional training program for health coaches who are interested in working with clients in the context of functional medicine. Both are related to the field of functional medicine, but they serve different audiences and have different goals.

Why should I consider joining a health group programme instead of one on one sessions?

There are a number of benefits to joining a health group programme that may make it a good option for you. Here are a few potential advantages:

  1. Cost: Group programmes may be more cost-effective than one-on-one sessions, as the cost is spread among the participants in the group.
  2. Social support: Being part of a group can provide a sense of community and social support, which can be especially helpful when making lifestyle changes. Group members can motivate and support each other and share their experiences and challenges.
  3. Multiple perspectives: In a group setting, you may have the opportunity to hear from and learn from others who are facing similar challenges. This can provide a range of perspectives and may help you to feel less alone in your journey.
  4. Variety of experiences: Group programmes may offer a variety of activities and experiences, such as group discussions, educational sessions, and group exercises, which can help to keep things interesting and engaging.

It's important to note that group programmemes are not the right fit for everyone, and one-on-one sessions may be a better option for some people. Factors to consider when deciding whether to join a group program or pursue one-on-one sessions may include your personal preferences, your budget, and your specific needs and goals.

How long time does it take to make a lifestyle change?

The length of time it takes to make a lifestyle change can vary greatly depending on the specific change being made and the individual making the change. Some lifestyle changes may take a shorter amount of time to implement, while others may take longer.

There are a number of factors that can influence the length of time it takes to make a lifestyle change, including:

  • The complexity of the change: Some lifestyle changes may be relatively simple to make, while others may require more significant changes to habits, routines, or environments.
  • The level of commitment: The more committed you are to making a change, the more likely you are to stick with it and make it a lasting part of your life.
  • Personal circumstances: Your personal circumstances, such as your current lifestyle, your support system, and any challenges or barriers you may be facing, can all influence the length of time it takes to make a lifestyle change.

In general, it can be helpful to approach lifestyle change as a process rather than a one-time event. This can help to ensure that the changes you make are sustainable over the long term.

I want to feel healthy, where do I start?

If you want to feel healthy, there are several steps you can take to get started. Here are a few suggestions:

  1. Identify your goals: What do you want to achieve in terms of your health? Are you looking to lose weight, improve your energy levels, reduce stress, or something else? Clearly defining your goals can help you to stay motivated and focused.
  2. Get support: Making lifestyle changes can be easier with the support of others. Consider enlisting the help of a health coach, joining a support group, or enlisting the support of friends or family members who can help you stay on track.
  3. Make a plan: Create a plan that outlines specific steps you will take to reach your health goals. Consider setting small, achievable goals that will help you to build momentum and feel successful along the way.
  4. Focus on nutrition: What you eat has a significant impact on your overall health. Consider working with a nutritionist or a functional medicine practitioner to help you create a healthy eating plan that works for you.
  5. Get active: Regular physical activity can help to improve your energy levels, reduce stress, and boost your mood. Find an activity you enjoy and make it a regular part of your routine.
  6. Manage stress: Chronic stress can take a toll on your physical and mental health. Consider finding ways to manage stress, such as through relaxation techniques, exercise, or therapy.

Remember, it's important to be kind to yourself as you work towards your health goals. It can be helpful to remember that progress is often a slow and steady process, and it's okay to have setbacks along the way. Focus on making small, sustainable changes that you can stick with over the long term.

I have tried everything, but nothing seems to work. What can I do now?

If you have tried a variety of approaches to improve your health but have not had success, it may be helpful to take a step back and reassess your approach. Here are a few things you might consider:

  1. Seek a second opinion: If you have been working with a healthcare provider, it may be helpful to seek a second opinion from another provider. A fresh perspective can sometimes bring new insights and ideas.
  2. Consider functional medicine: Functional medicine is a systems-based approach to healthcare that aims to address the underlying root causes of health concerns rather than just treating symptoms. Working with a functional medicine practitioner may help you to identify and address underlying imbalances or dysfunctions in your body that may be contributing to your health concerns.
  3. Reflect on your lifestyle: Consider whether there may be lifestyle factors, such as diet, stress, or sleep, that may be impacting your health. Identifying and addressing these factors may be an important part of your health journey.
  4. Seek out support: Making lifestyle changes can be challenging, and it can be helpful to have support along the way. Consider working with a health coach or joining a support group to help you stay motivated and on track.

Remember, patience is important - be kind to yourself as you work towards improving your health. It can take time to identify the root causes of health concerns and to make lasting changes, and it's okay to have setbacks along the way. Focus on making small, sustainable changes that you can stick with over the long term.

What do you mean by saying you are remapping mindsets?

Remapping mindsets refers to the process of shifting and adjusting the way you think about and approach a particular subject or issue. This can involve identifying and changing limiting beliefs or negative thought patterns, and adopting new, more empowering ways of thinking.

In the context of health and wellness, remapping mindsets may involve shifting your perspective on how you view and approach self-care, healthy habits, and the relationship between your thoughts and your physical health. This can involve adopting a more positive, proactive mindset and learning to approach challenges and setbacks in a more resilient and adaptive way.

There are a number of different techniques and approaches that can be used to help individuals remap their mindsets, including cognitive-behavioral therapy, mindfulness practises, and positive psychology techniques. Working with a coach or therapist may be helpful in identifying and shifting unhelpful thought patterns and adopting more empowering ways of thinking.

What is the power of using positive psychology in the coach approach?

Positive psychology is a branch of psychology that focuses on the study of positive emotions, strengths, and virtues, and how they can be used to enhance well-being and resilience. In the context of coaching, incorporating positive psychology techniques can be a powerful tool for helping clients to shift their mindset and approach challenges in a more adaptive and resilient way.

Some benefits of using positive psychology in a coaching approach include:

  • Helping clients to identify and build on their strengths: By focusing on their strengths, clients can gain a greater sense of confidence and self-efficacy, which can in turn help them to tackle challenges and make progress towards their goals.
  • Promoting a more positive outlook: Positive psychology techniques can help clients to cultivate a more positive outlook, which can be beneficial for both their mental and physical health.
  • Enhancing resilience: Positive psychology techniques can help clients to develop greater resilience and adaptability, which can be especially useful in times of stress or challenge.
  • Improving overall well-being: By helping clients to focus on the positive aspects of their lives and cultivate a sense of gratitude and appreciation, positive psychology can help to enhance overall well-being and happiness.

Overall, the power of using positive psychology in a coaching approach lies in its ability to help clients shift their mindset and approach challenges in a more positive and resilient way, ultimately leading to improved well-being and success in achieving their goals.

How does mind-body medicine relate to functional medicine?

Mind-body medicine is a branch of medicine that focuses on the relationship between the mind and the body and the ways in which emotional, psychological, social, and spiritual factors can affect health. It is based on the idea that the mind and body are interconnected and that mental and emotional well-being are essential for overall health and well-being.

Functional medicine is a holistic approach to healthcare that focuses on understanding the underlying causes of illness and addressing them at the root level. It takes into account the whole person, including their physical, emotional, and environmental factors, and emphasises prevention and treatment of chronic disease.

Mind-body medicine and functional medicine both recognise the importance of addressing the whole person and the interconnectedness of the mind and body in health and disease. They both aim to address the root causes of health issues and promote overall well-being. However, while mind-body medicine primarily focuses on the relationship between the mind and body and the role of emotions and stress in health, functional medicine looks at the broader context of an individual's health, including genetics, environment, and lifestyle.

Who is responsible for my health and wellbeing?

Ultimately, you are responsible for your own health and well-being. This means that you have the power to make choices that positively or negatively impact your health, and it is up to you to take the necessary steps to protect and improve your health.

There are many factors that can influence an individual's health, including genetics, environment, and lifestyle. While you may not be able to control all of these factors, you can take control of those that you can, such as what you eat, how much you exercise, how much you sleep, and how you manage stress.

That being said, it is also important to seek medical care when needed and to work with healthcare professionals to manage any health conditions you may have. They can provide guidance and support as you take steps to improve your health and well-being.

Ultimately, it is up to you to make the necessary changes to support your health and well-being. This may involve making healthy lifestyle choices, seeking medical care when needed, and working with healthcare professionals to manage your health.

I don't feel heard by my doctor, what can I do?

If you feel that you are not being heard by your doctor, it can be frustrating and disempowering. It is important to feel that your concerns and preferences are being taken into account when it comes to your healthcare.

There are a few things you can do if you feel that your doctor is not listening to you:

  1. Come prepared: Before your appointment, make a list of your concerns and any questions you have. This will help you stay focused and ensure that you are able to communicate all of your concerns to your doctor.
  2. Be clear and concise: It can be helpful to practise explaining your concerns in a clear and concise manner. This will help your doctor understand your perspective and the issues you are experiencing.
  3. Be an active participant in your care: It is important to be an active participant in your own healthcare. This means asking questions, expressing your preferences, and advocating for your own needs.
  4. Consider getting a second opinion: If you are not satisfied with your doctor's approach or recommendations, you may want to consider seeking a second opinion from another healthcare professional.
  5. Communicate openly and honestly: Be open and honest with your doctor about your concerns and preferences. It is important to establish a trusting relationship with your healthcare provider in order to receive the best care possible.

If you continue to feel that your concerns are not being heard or addressed by your doctor, it may be helpful to consider finding a new healthcare provider who is more responsive to your needs.

Start your journey to wellness

Take control of your health. Schedule a complimentary call with Life by Love to see if we can help. We offer personalised support to help you transform your health and feel your best. Take the first step towards a healthy future now.
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Start your journey to wellness

Take control of your health. Schedule a complimentary call with Life by Love to see if we can help. We offer personalized support to help you transform your health and feel your best. Take the first step towards a healthy future now.
Coaching | Functional Medicine | Mind Body


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Mind-Body Medicine

Positive Psychology











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Start your journey to wellness

Take control of your health. Schedule a complimentary call with Life by Love to see if we can help. We offer personalised support to help you transform your health and feel your best. Take the first step towards a healthy future now.
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